Passive integrated transponders (PIT) on mice


I am thinking of implanting multiple Passive Integrated Transponders (PIT) into maybe 6 mice. I would like to know if the Simultaneous RFID reader - M6E Nano able to detect the PIT? I have not use a M6E nano before. I would like to know if it could read my PIT before purchasing one. Also, how do I test and check what could be detected by the M6E nano?

If it could read the PIT:

  • Will it be able to detect multiple PIT from one antenna?

  • Is one M6E Nano equipped with a few extension antennas be able to detect PIT at multiple locations within a cage? What is the maximum antenna for a single M6E nano?

Thank you very much.

M6E Nano -

PIT - … imals.html

Unfortunately, I’m unable to find any mention of PIT’s in the datasheet for the module. It may work but you’ll need to reach out to the manufacturer to confirm. If it is compatible I still can not guarantee that our software libraries will be completely compatible since we have not tested this component with PIT’s.