I made PCB in Eagle and exported to gerber files ok (i think), after I zip it up and upload it to batchPCB, the size and cost is bigger than expected. I think it is the top silkscreen layer (component names that go over the edge of the board). If PCB is too big it will not fit. and I want it to be $2.50 cheaper as well
my board is 8.747 sq inch. but after i upload it it comes out at 9.019 sq inch. any ideas, what should I do?
Interestingly my DRC email says the top layer board size is w: 4.970000, h: 4.975500, and the bottom layer board size is w: 4.985000, h: 4.998000
However, clicking on the link says the board size is 5.003x5.002(inch)
The top and bottom layers are slightly offset in the Y axis (origin is 0.037500 on the top layer and 0.015000 on the bottom layer according to the top_drc.log / bot_drc.log files in the email) however the X axes are both 0.00000, so I don’t see where the extra 18mil is coming from.
Perhaps the DRC bot adds an allowance for the router to separate the boards?