I bought a Raspberry Pi Pico from Sparkfun; cheap, cheap, cheap, fun, fun, fun. I also bought the experimenter kit with the step by step instructions which got me started but I’ve “advanced” beyond that and am trying to play with sensors. That means I need to use micropython and learn to code python, yikes. I’ve had some luck and got good results from an Adafruit BNO055.
The next sensor up is a cheap chinese junk QMC5883 magnetometer. I got that sensor to work with my Sparkfun pro micro running MultiWii 2.3, but that doesnt run on the Pico. I found a library that someone wrote for the QMC5883 for micropython but the problem is how to use it from the REPL or even a .py file. Here’s the github link: https://github.com/AngelouDi/QMC5883L_l … 83L_lib.py
Here’s the code that I cant run because when I try to instantiate the QMC5883L class, it tells me I gave it 0 arguments, but there are no arguments for the class. How do I use this code?
REG_X_LSB = 0x00
REG_X_MSB = 0x01
REG_Y_LSB = 0x02
REG_Y_MSB = 0x03
REG_Z_LSB = 0x04
REG_Z_MSB = 0x05
REG_STAT1 = 0x06
REG_TMP_LSB = 0x07
REG_TMP_MSB = 0x08
REG_CTRL1 = 0x09
REG_CTRL2 = 0x0A
MODE_SBY = 0b00
MODE_CON = 0b01
ODR_010 = 0b00 << 2
ODR_050 = 0b01 << 2
ODR_100 = 0b10 << 2
ODR_200 = 0b11 << 2
RNG_2G = 0b00 << 4
RNG_8G = 0b01 << 4
OSR_512 = 0b00 << 6
OSR_256 = 0b01 << 6
OSR_128 = 0b10 << 6
OSR_64 = 0b11 << 6
SOFT_RST = 0x80
def print_in_bits(byte):
bits = []
if type(byte).__name__ == "bytes":
byte = int.from_bytes(byte, "little")
for i in range(0, 8):
bits.append(byte >> 7 - i & 1)
def print_in_bits16(byte):
if type(byte).__name__ == "bytes":
byte = int.from_bytes(byte, "little")
bits = []
for i in range(0, 16):
bits.append(byte >> (15 - i) & 1)
except ValueError:
def twoscomplement_to_dec(twos):
dec = 0
for i in range(0, 14):
dec += (twos >> i & 1) * 2 ** i
return dec
def setup_control_register(i2c, device_id, osr, rng, odr, continuous):
ctrl1_register = 0b00000000
if osr == 256:
ctrl1_register |= OSR_256
elif osr == 128:
ctrl1_register |= OSR_128
elif osr == 64:
ctrl1_register |= OSR_64
ctrl1_register |= OSR_512
if rng == 2:
ctrl1_register |= RNG_2G
ctrl1_register |= RNG_8G
if odr == 10:
ctrl1_register |= ODR_010
elif odr == 100:
ctrl1_register |= ODR_100
elif odr == 200:
ctrl1_register |= ODR_200
ctrl1_register |= ODR_050
if continuous:
ctrl1_register |= MODE_CON
ctrl1_register |= MODE_SBY
ctrl1_register = ctrl1_register.to_bytes(2, 'little')
i2c.writeto_mem(device_id, REG_CTRL1, ctrl1_register)
def get_status(i2c, device_id):
status = i2c.readfrom_mem(device_id, REG_STAT1, 1)
status = int.from_bytes(status, "little")
DRDY = status & 1 == 1
OVL = status >> 1 & 1 == 1
DOR = status >> 2 & 1 == 1
return {"DRDY": DRDY, "OVL": OVL, "DOR": DOR}
def get_data(i2c, device_id, rng):
data = i2c.readfrom_mem(device_id, REG_X_LSB, 6)
x_lsb = data[REG_X_LSB]
x_msb = data[REG_X_MSB]
y_lsb = data[REG_Y_LSB]
y_msb = data[REG_Y_MSB]
z_lsb = data[REG_Z_LSB]
z_msb = data[REG_Z_MSB]
x = x_msb << 8 | x_lsb
y = y_msb << 8 | y_lsb
z = z_msb << 8 | z_lsb
x = twoscomplement_to_dec(x)
y = twoscomplement_to_dec(y)
z = twoscomplement_to_dec(z)
if rng == 2:
x = twoscomplement_to_dec(x) / 12000
y = twoscomplement_to_dec(y) / 12000
z = twoscomplement_to_dec(z) / 12000
x = twoscomplement_to_dec(x) / 3000
y = twoscomplement_to_dec(y) / 3000
z = twoscomplement_to_dec(z) / 3000
print({"x": x, "y": y, "z": z})
return {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
def get_temp(i2c, id=0xd):
tmp_lsb = int.from_bytes(i2c.readfrom_mem(id, REG_TMP_LSB, 1), "little")
tmp_msb = int.from_bytes(i2c.readfrom_mem(id, REG_TMP_MSB, 1), "little")
tmp = tmp_msb << 8 | tmp_lsb
tmp = twoscomplement_to_dec(tmp) / 100
class QMC5883L:
def __init__(self, i2c, device_id=0xD, continuous=True, odr=50, rng=8, osr=512, reset=True):
self.i2c = i2c
self.device_id = device_id
self.continuous = continuous
self.odr = odr
self.rng = rng
self.osr = osr
self.reset = reset
self.magnet_data = {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0}
def init(self):
if self.reset:
setup_control_register(i2c=self.i2c, device_id=self.device_id, osr=self.osr, rng=self.rng, odr=self.odr,
def soft_reset(self):
self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.device_id, REG_CTRL2, SOFT_RST.to_bytes(2, 'little'))
def get_magnet_data(self, wait=False):
while True:
if get_status(i2c=self.i2c, device_id=self.device_id)["DRDY"]:
self.magnet_data = get_data(i2c=self.i2c, device_id=self.rng, rng=self.rng)
return self.magnet_data
if not wait:
return self.magnet_data