Pi Pico and OLED wiring

I bought two raspberry pi pico boards from sparkfun and I have an SSD1351 OLED display that I want to hook up. I’m using a micropython library by peterhinch on github. I want to use SPI(1) and I have the GPIO pinouts and locations on the PIco. The problem I have is that I can determine where 5 out of the 7 OLED pins need to go but not the remaining 2.


VCC --------------> 3.3V ( pin #36)

GND -------------> GND( any of pins 3,8,13,18,38,33,28,23)

DIN --------------> ???

CLK -------------->???

CS ---------------> 9/SPI1 CSn (pin #12)

DC ---------------> 8/SPI1 Rx (pin #11)

RST ------------- > 12/SPI1 Rx(pin #16)

In his example he defines 3 pins:

_pdc = Pin(8, Pin.OUT, value = 0)
_pcs = Pin(9, Pin.OUT, value =1)
_prst = Pin(12, Pin.OUT, value =1)
_spi = SPI(1)  # scl Y9 sda Y10
_ssd = SSD(_spi, _pcs, _pdc, _prst, height=_HEIGHT)  # Create a display instance

I got it to work once and then I pulled the wiring and now I cant remember how to hook up the mystery DIN and CLK pins. I tried something last night after a few beers and got a scrambled screen and now I get nothing.

Thanks for any help.

Well, I got it. I connected DIN to TX of SPI(1) which is pin# 15 and GP11; CLK to GP10. It works now.