I am at a loss for why python doesn’t see the object servo_pHAT as a PiServoHat able to call move_servo_position()
Here is the error I’m seeing:
jetbot@jetson:~/jeri_ws$ python3 jetson_driver.py
pygame 2.5.0 (SDL 2.28.0, Python 3.6.9)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "jetson_driver.py", line 30, in <module>
from sparkfun_servo_tilt_pan import *
File "/home/jetbot/jeri_ws/sparkfun_servo_tilt_pan.py", line 17, in <module>
servo_pHAT.move_servo_position(PAN_SERVO, old_pan_angle, MAX_PAN_ANGLE_DEGREES)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'move_servo_position'
At the bottom is the code I’ve written–not too different from the sample code at https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ba … servo-phat
Troubleshooting steps I’ve already tried:
Verify no typos: all instances of servo_pHAT are spelled the same
Verify the package is installed: I ran pip install sparkfun-qwiic both as a user and as sudo. I did the same with pip3 install sparkfun-qwiic. Lots of “Requirement already satisfied” output.
Run using python instead of python3: When I run using python, I get an ImportError: No module named pygame. I have a different file in the project that uses pygame, and I went through most of the same steps as in #2. Ultimately, running with python3 worked. If you could help me with that issue, then we can avoid resolving this one.
import pi_servo_hat as sparkfun_servo
#Ensure Sparkfun libraries are installed pip install sparkfun-qwiic
#These refer to specific servos on headers 0-15 on the Pi Servo pHAT
MAX_TILT_ANGLE_DEGREES = MAX_PAN_ANGLE_DEGREES = SERVO_180_DEG = 180 #Third arg of move_servo_position; default is 90 degrees
servo_pHAT = sparkfun_servo.PiServoHat()
servo_pHAT = servo_pHAT.restart()
old_pan_angle = old_tilt_angle = 90 #default centered
servo_pHAT.move_servo_position(PAN_SERVO, old_pan_angle, MAX_PAN_ANGLE_DEGREES)
servo_pHAT.move_servo_position(TILT_SERVO, old_tilt_angle, MAX_TILT_ANGLE_DEGREES)
ABSOLUTE = True #Use Absolute positioning for debug. Set False as soon as practicable to make nice to use.
def sparkfun_servo_move_head(joy_x, joy_y):
#joy_x and joy_y are from -1 to +1
#arg2 wants 0 to 180
pan_angle = joy_x * 90 + SERVO_180_DEG
tilt_angle = joy_y * 90 + SERVO_180_DEG
old_pan_angle = servo_pHAT.get_servo_position(PAN_SERVO, MAX_PAN_ANGLE_DEGREES)
old_tilt_angle = servo_pHAT.get_servo_position(TILT_SERVO, MAX_TILT_ANGLE_DEGREES)
pan_angle = old_pan_angle + (MAX_SPEED * joy_x)
tilt_angle = old_tilt_angle + (MAX_SPEED * joy_y)
# Error Checking/Correction
if pan_angle < 0:
pan_angle = 0
elif pan_angle > MAX_PAN_ANGLE_DEGREES:
if tilt_angle < 0:
tilt_angle = 0
elif tilt_angle > MAX_TILT_ANGLE_DEGREES:
#Command the moves
servo_pHAT.move_servo_position(PAN_SERVO, pan_angle, MAX_PAN_ANGLE_DEGREES)
servo_pHAT.move_servo_position(TILT_SERVO, tilt_angle, MAX_TILT_ANGLE_DEGREES)
old_pan_angle = pan_angle
old_tilt_angle = tilt_angle