PicoBuck LED Driver + plus relay bad?


I put a simple mechanical relay (the cheap blue square ones you can buy on amazon; SRD-DC03V-SL-C) between my 24V power supply and the PicoBuck and I find that my PicoBucks are dying.

I have done some testing, and if I take the mechanical relay out of the system I have no issues with PicoBucks dying.

What’s going on/ suggestions?

(I have the mechanical relay as a safety measure to turn off the LEDs if my Raspberry Pi which is controlling the LEDs loses power).


Can you provide a schematic showing how you have things connected?

I not sure how to make a nice schematic, so hopefully this is enough!

Your schematic is good.

I’m not seeing anything that looks like it would cause trouble for you, not sure what could be causing the problem.