PIR 170uA qwicc module detected on the i2c but not considered connected by the sw on Rpi4


I connected a PIR 170uA qwiic module (SEN-17374) to a Rpi4 running buster just updated. I executed the python example 1 which states consistently “The Qwiic PIR isn’t connected to the system. Please check your connection”. I ran i2cdetect -y 1 and I do see a device at address 0x12 which is the expected address for the PIR module. I looked into the driver code and noticed that the i2c address seems ok but the DEV_ID code retrieved is 0xFE instead of 0x72 that is expected. I am not sure what is wrong in my setup. I also connected a temperature sensor qwiic module which works fine. Is it possible that the fw in the PIR module is not the right one? Any ideas are welcome.

Best regards,


Some of those PIR sensors have a habit of shorting their pins on themselves; the quickest/easiest way to fix is to de-solder and add a non-conductive spacer and re-solder like this post details viewtopic.php?f=147&t=55997&p=227179&hi … 40#p227286

We’ll honor the warranty and whatnot if you attempt it and it doesn’t work…just let me know what happens


Thank you for the answer.

I am a bit reluctant to de-solder and re-solder the PIR component from Panasonic because I previously used a similar PIR part on a breadboard. I do not solder well but I did damage 2 parts and I believe it was because I was putting too much heat on the part. There is a statement in the PIR datasheet: "Do not solder with a soldering iron above 350℃(662゚F), or for more than 3 seconds. This sensor should be hand soldered. " I do not have a good soldering station. Also, as mentioned in my original post, the I2C component is well seen because the 0x12 address is detected. Would it really be a matter of short circuit on the board?

Best regards,