Hi - I think I’ve compiled a proper version of the fw.sfe for the Logomatic V2…not at all sure though. Can anyone who has a good version or is comfortable with the compiling please make the fw.sfe available to me? Mine comes up with spelling errors in the logcon control file (e.g. “saftey” instead of “safety” which makes me think it is not 100% there.
Please forgive an analog guy for not having a clue re C.
… but I’m not surprised to see a dedicated thread calling for same. This IS an important requirement, we need to be able to safely and EASILY revert to the original when we’re learning. Surely it is easier to compile and host this file than is is to answer the extra questions that result from its absence.
Update: Jim (and Pete) at Sparkfun has sorted this, the original firmware now includes the file FW.SFE as explained to, and linked to, in the quoted bit of mail below: