I am trying to include to my project heart rate.
I am using the Polar Heart Rate Module - RMCM01, Polar Uncoded Transmitter – T31, and a Crystal SMD 32.768kHz.
I have made the circuitry according to the schematic on page 8 of http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Wire … RMCM01.pdf
From witch PIN should I take the readings? from HR or FPLS and where should I connect them? on analog or digital sockets on the arduino UNO board?
Also is there any example code to help me go through?
I am not using the Polar Heart Rate Monitor Interface, I am using just the POLAR RMCM01 receiver with a crystal.
Thank you
From witch PIN should I take the readings? from HR or FPLS and where should I connect them? on analog or digital sockets on the arduino UNO board?
use HR for an unencoded chest strap.
I’d wire it to digital input 2 or 3, and use interrupt processing, as explained in http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt
I’d start with the example given on that page and adapt it.
February 16, 2011, 9:53pm
Could you please tell me something more, I do not understand how can I use attachInterrupt function.
I just want the basic code to get the heart rate input…
If you could please tell me something more, I will be grateful
Do you understand the concept of a hardware interrupt and its associated interupt service routine?