I’m looking for a GPS module that can be ‘polled’ to transmit specific NMEA messages (I need the GPRMC message). I’m currently using the EM-406 module, and I can turn off continuous transmit of the GPRMC message, and only request this message by polling when needed.
Does anyone know a currently available GPS module that will allow this?
For modules like the F9 and M10, we recommend upgrading to Version 3. However, older modules like the M8 do not support the Configuration Interface. For those you will need to keep using Version 2 of the library. We will continue to support both.
With the u-blox modules, by default, the standard NMEA messages (GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG) are enabled on both I2C and UART1 at the navigation rate (default 1Hz). You can set the rate of these to zero and then poll individual messages as needed. Example below. You need to be a little careful about Talker IDs (GPRMC vs GNRMC), and you need to calculate the checksum, but it is straightforward.
The ZED-F9P is a great dual-band RTK-capable module. But the single-band non-RTK SAM-M8, SAM-M10 and MAX-M10 can all be configured in the same way. The SAM modules have built-in antennas.
Thanks! That is exactly the information I need! BTW, this is a lighting controller project that will reside in a fixed location. The GPS is required once to determine the Lat./Long. for sunset/sunrise calculations, and then periodically to update the onboard RTC with the current time. I’ve got the M10S breakout and an antenna on order to perform some testing!