Hi guys, Greetings from Guatemala, I´m active fan from sparkfun, great Job, we bought a couple RTK Facet a few year ago, and with the latest firmware (zed and rtk surveyor) wooow!!!, this gnss rtk are a beast, we have some emlid reach rs2 and the facet are really superior in complicated fields, I bougth a couple Postcard kit, but doing test in the field notice a poor signal compare with the rtk facet, so the question is L5 its doing a difference in field, we dont notice, this baby helical antenna its the problem?, and another thing we notice a lost of fix signal once go to float its complicated have a fix again. I have all the firmware actualization. I´m using Survey Master. Its gonna be better with the SPK6618H? we notice, after actualization the NMEA message say “requires firmware update”, attach some photos and the firmware we use, we have problems in the ip config too!!!
Some photos in the field!!! Yes we do a 3d print case with a big 6A battery!!!
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Is it the facet or the postcard mentioning the note about a firmware update?
@sparky tagging in case you know what’s going on here
When in-field, are you trying to use the postcard as a base and feed corrections to the facet?
Hi Russell the firmware of the postcard, the facet its all ok!, I did the test using a postcard like base and two rovers one facet and one postcard, the facet has a quickly fix even if lost signal in float mode, move to open zone and fix its quickly, the postcard rover lost the fix and don’t return again, need restart to obra in fix, use rtk2go and emlid caster too and its the same. When use the facet like base the postcard moves from fix to float whit the minimal movement in open sky but change quickly from float to fix.
Ok, thanks for all of the good info
I’m half-worried something inside the postcard is going on; can you take that enclosure off and send some photos of the soldering/pin areas on the postcard/shield? More is better than less 
Thanks for the response, I gonna make antother test today
The soldering looks good, although I think I see some leftover flux on SDA/SCL in the top photo and maybe a little on 5v/GND as well, it might be worth cleaning that up a bit
In the meantime you can also try to update to postcard firmware by using the instructions/links here Introduction - SparkFun RTK Postcard Hookup Guide