SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band configuration PointPerfect


I need your help regarding SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band and the configuration of the PointPerfect service configuration.

I have configured wifi access for key verification. The device Key Renewal is empty.

When I start the antenna, the antenna launches getting keys, but I have error message ZTP Failed C049EF0AFDF2

Thank you in advance for your help.

Thank you for reporting with that error code. It looks like our database was out of date. Please try again and let us know the outcome.

Excuse me but I still have the same message

Can you tell me what version of firmware is on the unit? It should be displayed at power on.


Is it normal that the device Key Renewal is empty ?

Thanks! We are seeing a device attempt to connect but the unit ID looks odd. I believe we’ve fixed it. Please attempt a connection again.

Is it normal that the device Key Renewal is empty ?

Please see … ntperfect/

Do you mean the ‘Device Profile Token’ box under ‘Auto Key Renewal’? Yes, that box will remain empty unless you use a corporate Device Profile Token. I believe you purchased the unit with 1 year subscription so this box will remain empty.


The connection is established. But, the “satellite antenna” icon does not indicate the 3 bars and the fix is not done.

Thanks for your answer.

Did you test outside with a clear view of the sky? L band only works in the contiguous 48 states and the eu.

yes no obstacle. I left the gps running all morning.

I am in France.

There is something odd going wrong with your unit. At any time you can return the unit and we will replace it with a new one.

If you would like to try to troubleshoot the device a bit, I will work with you. The first thing I would like you to do is update the firmware. I recommend the GUI, you can find information here: … indows-gui I recommend firmware v2.5 for now: … e_v2_5.bin

If you still have problems, then I would like you to attach the RTK device, power it on, open a terminal program, and post the serial output so that we can see what the unit is doing as it is powering on.

Again, if you just want a replacement, we can start a return for you and get you a working unit by going here: My apologies, it should not be this difficult.

I have already returned the unit for battery charging issues. So I would like to try to fix it.


Thank you, the update worked. I have a fix but still no 3 bars on the satellite icon.

Last point, I can no longer communicate with my gps application. It works very well in classic ntrip. Is there a particular setting (nmea, …) ?

Thanks in advance.

I have a fix but still no 3 bars on the satellite icon.

Interesting. I will test v2.5 next week to be sure there is not a firmware issue. The three bars appear when a L-Band packet is successfully received and decrypted. If you are getting a fix, that’s good, the icon should update as well. To be determined.

I can no longer communicate with my gps application.

What GPS application are you using? We generally recommend starting with SWMaps. This connection is made over Bluetooth SPP which nearly all GIS applications use.

It works very well in classic ntrip.

I don’t think I understand. NTRIP is the protocol for transmitting RTCM over TCP and doesn’t have much to do with the RTK Facet L-Band. The Facet is capable of transmitting RTCM over NTRIP over a medium (WiFi or Bluetooth, generally), but I don’t know of a GIS app that connects over NTRIP.

I’ll watch this and get back to you soon.

I have a fix but still no 3 bars on the satellite icon

Have you been able to do any tests? I have the fix but without the 3 bars on the satellite icon.

I can no longer communicate with my gps application.

I use SWMAPS or LANDSTAR 7 and on the 2 software, I have confirmation of the Bluetooth connection (icon on gps) but I do not receive any coordinates on the two software.

It works very well in classic ntrip.

We have several options for centimeter correction when not using L-Band. We use RTCM correction data sent by GSM by connecting to an NTRIP, but since the update to v2.5, this is impossible. I confirm that SWMAPS can connect to an NTRIP

Thank you for solving my problem because it becomes really problematic for my work.


Have you been able to look at my problem.

In the meantime, my GPS is unusable

Sorry for the late reply, I was out sick for the last two weeks (children as well).

I was able to test v2.5 firmware with L-Band today. It works fine for me.

I have the fix but without the 3 bars on the satellite icon.

This would indicate your unit is not receiving L-band signal or not successfully decrypting messages.

Would you please connect over serial and output the serial data that is seen during power up: … th_serial/

Below you can see the output from my unit.

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee


mode:DIO, clock div:1




entry 0x400805f8

Display started

ZED-F9P firmware: HPG 1.32

LittleFS Started

SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band v2.5-Sep 21 2022

Reset reason: ESP_RST_SW

Profile ‘Profile1’ loaded

MAX17048 configuration complete

Batt (75%): Voltage: 3.98V Discharging: -0.21%/hr Green

GNSS configuration complete

Accelerometer configuration complete

NEO-D9S firmware: PMP 1.04

System time set to: Thursday, October 27 2022 16:08:14

State: Keys Days Remaining, 2022-10-27 16:08:14.055

Days until PointPerfect keys expire: 50

State: Keys L-Band Configure, 2022-10-27 16:08:16.232

Batt (75%): Voltage: 3.98V Discharging: -0.21%/hr Green

State: Rover - Not Started, 2022-10-27 16:08:17.280

Bluetooth broadcasting as: Facet L-Band Rover-8F9E


State: Rover - No Fix, 2022-10-27 16:08:19.523

Batt (75%): Voltage: 3.98V Discharging: -0.21%/hr Green

State: Rover - Fix, 2022-10-27 16:08:25.561

Rover Accuracy (m): 199.3658

Batt (75%): Voltage: 3.98V Discharging: -0.21%/hr Green

Rover Accuracy (m): 54.2646

Rover Accuracy (m): 45.4240


I don’t know how to access the same message as you.

Here is an excerpt from the terminal:

Menu: System Menu

GNSS: Online - ZED-F9P firmware: HPG 1.13

SIV: 18, HPA (m): 1.768, Lat: 46.44131190, Lon: 4.27764465, Altitude (m): 350.8

Display: Online

Accelerometer: Online

Fuel Gauge: Online - Batt (99%) / Voltage: 4.18V

microSD: Offline

L-Band: Online - No Keys / Corrections Received Failed / Eb/N0[dB] (>9 is good): 0.00 - NEO-D9S firmware: PMP 1.04

Bluetooth (FDF2): Online

WiFi MAC Address: C0:49:EF:0A:FD:F0

System Uptime: 0 00:11:18.869 (Resets: 0)

How do I move on because I’m really starting to lose patience. Is it possible to take control remotely?

Thank you for the output. There is your problem!

GNSS: Online - ZED-F9P firmware: HPG 1.13

The ZED-F9P firmware is old and not compatible with the NEO-D9S receiver.

To fix:

Additional information about using the GUI can be read here: … indows-gui

Because you have a Facet L-Band, you will need to install drivers for the ZED-F9P and the NEO-D9S. Please see here for how to install drivers: … #rtk-facet

How do I move on because I’m really starting to lose patience

I completely understand. I’m very sorry it’s been a bother. This should have been caught during production. I will check with production staff to let them know this happened.


This time it’s good! On the other hand, during the repair of the battery, your technicians broke the support.

Having lost 4 months of subscription, I would be grateful if you could extend my subscription for the same period.

In any case, thank you for your precious help.