SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band configuration PointPerfect

My apologies for the damaged connector.

We’ll gladly extend the subscription 4 months.

Thank you for your support.

Hello, I restarted my antenna after a long period of inactivity. I have 3 bars on the stellite icon and i receive L-Band but the GNSS does not want to fix. Can you help me ?


I have to use my antenna and I can’t receive the corrections. Can you help me ?

Hi - I’m sorry, I was out of the office last week.

Are you located in the US 48 states or the EU? … icator.jpg

As the unit’s fix increases the cross-hair will indicate a basic 3D solution, a double blinking cross-hair will indicate a floating RTK solution, and a solid double cross-hair will indicate a fixed RTK solution.

Is the RTK icon flashing a double circle? If it is blinking a double circle you may need to wait 1-2 minutes for the L-Band to achieve RTK lock.

I am in EU France. Attached is a screenshot. I can never fix even leaving the gps more than 10 minutes. I also only have about 25 satellites when on my other GPS I have ten more.

Do you have a solution ?

i really need to use my gps. Thank you for answering me.

Sorry for the slow reply. I was traveling last week.

We are working on a problem with the L-Band product. It’s not yet clear if the problem is with u-blox’s service or other but we too are seeing L-Band units that do not obtain RTK Fix (only RTK Float). We are working on a fix.

Ok thank you for your answer. I will wait?. I hope it will be fixed soon


I just tried again and still no fix.

Did you solve the problem?

Hi - I apologize for the wait. We are waiting for support from u-blox on the matter.

Hello, I’d like to chime in that I’ve got 3 RTK Facet L-band units powered on today, and none of them can attain RTK fixes over L-band. These are in areas that the past week have been easily getting RTK fixes. Keys are up to date, configurations look ok.

Is the PointPerfect server down?


Thanks Luke! I’ve forwarded your report to them as well. I don’t have any reports of outages or the opposite, yet.

Hi Luke and Urdy,

We’ve been working with u-blox to try to find a solution. There is not an identifiable issue with the RTK Facet L-Band yet. What I can say is that u-blox publishes the status of the PointPerfect system including the L-Band subsection. You can see the availability and any downtown within your area here: You can see in the L-Band section (attached) that there are outages.

Additionally, we’ve found that if a RTK Facet L-Band fails to get lock, it can do so indefinitely. So in release candidate v3.3 of the firmware (see the releases here: … tag/v3.3RC) we’ve implemented a 180 second timeout, whereas if the ZED doesn’t get a RTK Fix in 180 seconds or less, it resets the ZED, and will continue to do so every 180 until a Fix is obtained. This is a band-aid but it should prevent endless RTK float.

Please consider trying to get an RTK Fix again, outdoors, just a normal day before you drive into the field. If you are able to get RTK Fix than please proceed and let us know. If you want to try the experimental firmware, please consider updating your units to the latest v3.3 release candidate and then see if the ZED restarts solve the endless RTK Float issue.

Either way, please let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the quick turnaround on this, Sparky.

I’ve been playing around with 3.3dev. The units get quicker RTK fix and maintain it well vs the 3.2 units. I think you’ve got a solution with doing ZED restarts.

I had been able to ‘kick start’ the problematic 3.2 units by doing a factory reset. I assume that it was resetting the ZED that made them work. (For a while.)

As soon as 3.3 is officially released, I’ll update all of our units.

This is excellent feedback - thank you!

This issue was reported and tracked on the firmware repo: … issues/455

One of your customers ended up over on the uBlox forum this morning, not found where on the forum here he was directed from…

We look to have a perpetual DGNSS fix as I expect the unit was configured for US L-Band, and is now in UK/EU with wrong frequencies, and no SPARTN data. … -in-the-uk

I also opened a ticket with thoughts here … issues/769