Facet L Band RTK not working, 0 satellites

So yesterday i fired up the SF Facet L band RTK and mounted it onto my new pole to give it a test and it worked great! I was able to get RTK correction and it seemed to work perfect so i put it away and waited on my GND Control points to arrive so i can place them and use my new SF Facet RTK to mark the location for a drone survey i want to conduct on my property.

This morning i fired up th Facet L band and it doesn’t pick up any satellites and when i connect it to SW maps in says Invalid and that the GNSS is disconnected.

Any idea what might have happened? i left it on in the yard with open sky for a good while and 0 satellites.

Is it cloudier than yesterday by chance?

Check your display versus this https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … ys/#l-band and see if your icons can offer a clue; I would also double check the keys section here https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … -band-keys and re-try…any luck?

No clouds today. This is a problem with the unit, not clouds.

When I connect using bluetooth to SW maps it says " invalid " and no position data or gps status is displayed.

The display on my unit says I have > 30m accuracy and 0 for satellites.

Antenna connector didn’t come loose did it?

I checked, Antenna is connected.

When I first turned the unit on it said that the GNSS has failed.

How do I get help from Sparkfun on this? I want to return my Facet L band or exchange because its brand new but I cant seem to get any service or support from sparkfun!
