Facet L-Band no Satellites

I have a new FLband and I tested it a couple time and it worked great but now when I need it it’s not finding any satellites. No matter how long I leave it the number of satellites stays at 0 and when I connect using SW maps app the status says invalid.

I havent had this init long and I have never used it other than turning it on and getting familiar with its setup. The one day when I needed it to set gnd control points it stopped working. The unit powers up like normal, updates the keys, and goes into rover mode but does not find a single satellite.

I posted about this in a different forum, then I found this gps thread. I’ve tried contacting Sparkfun as well but no luck. I feel like I’ve been left out in the cold when it comes to resolving this issue on my BRAND NEW GPS by Sparkfun.




Apologies for being late to the party on this, I only get notified if you post in the GPS forum or open a troubleshooting ticket at https://www.sparkfun.com/support with a GPS product, so I didn’t see this post.

Returns or exchanges: https://www.sparkfun.com/returns

I’d recommend just doing an exchange rather than a return, the error you are having is quite unique and… frankly baffling. The exchanged unit you receive will not have this issue. It sounds like hardware (disconnected antenna), but those connectors don’t come loose easily. If you exchange it, private message your order number to me and I’ll personally QC the replacement device, put it through some paces, verify it’s getting 32 satellites in view, and double check the connectors with a microscope. Additionally, I’m keen to get my hands on the malfunction unit and figured out what happened.

If you’d like to troubleshoot it yourself:

  1. factory reset → https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … tory-reset

  2. update firmware → https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … re_update/

  3. Triple check the antenna connection. I know you did it already, but at this moment it’s the only thing that makes sense to me. I don’t think we’ve ever seen the error you’re having, except when we have a unit with no antenna connected. The ZED-F9P is a bulletproof receiver, and the antenna is extremely sensitive; I’ve had one pick up 10 satellites while inside an elevator. But, the U.FL connector is quite small and fragile. All it takes is pulling it off or putting it on incorrectly and the center pin can take a bend and not sit right.

Again, apologies for the slow response. We generally see people go to the GPS forum for any issues with these products, but it is quite understandable that since the Facet is a Kit, you’d go to the Kit forum first. I’d recommend trying the troubleshooting yourself first, since that will be quick, and if that fails initiate an exchange and we’ll get you taken care of.

Hi, sorry I first posted in the wrong forum.

So, it was suggested the antenna plug came loose so I checked and everything was plugged in and I didnt see any obvious issue.

I updated the firmware to 4.0 to see if that would fix it but still nothing. Everything else seems to work, I can go into config but when I connect with bluetooth the status is invalid and 0 satellites.

No worries, I just realized how confusing it could be while I was responding to you, wanted to make sure you knew this wasn’t the norm. “Left out in the cold” is not what I want describing our customer care, so let’s get you taken care of!

Okay, well I’m floored. When you do a firmware upgrade, it is completely rewriting the flash on device, so there’s no chance it is software related. Which leaves hardware, but hardware really tends to not just fail from sitting unless it is super old and corroded; I really do want to get this unit and figure out why it’s being weird. Thanks for raising the issue and being persistent.

I’m only familiar with the RMA process for the SparkFun store. Did you buy it directly from us, or from a reseller such as Digikey? If you bought from a reseller, let me know which one and I’ll figure out the best route for getting it exchanged.

If you bought from the SparkFun.com store, please initiate an exchange; under the “Why do you want an RMA?” section, tell them it’s an exchange because product stopped functioning after first usage and add the link to this forum thread. Return webpage: https://www.sparkfun.com/returns.

If you wouldn’t mind, can you private message me your order number just so I can keep tabs on it and make sure I handle the QC and all?


I purchased directly from sparkfun.

Awesome! Then please initiate the exchange as described, and shoot me a private message with your original order# so I can track.

Ok, I did fill out a RMA form but I do not know how to send a pm.

No problem. Click on my user logo, a window will pop up, and in the bottom right corner there will be a messaging icon.