Potential Indoor Positioning Tools

Hello Sparkfun community,

I’m using the Sparkfun ZED-F9R board from https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … troduction. This tool is designed specifically towards automobiles. I was wondering if this has indoor applications with humans.

If not, what other tools would you recommend? I’m mostly using IMU sensors since GPS fix is weak indoors. However, I have not found a sensor that does fusion with the acceleration data to generate the position. I tried looking into Kalman Filter and dead reckoning, but no avail so far. How would you advise this poor soul to proceed?

Best Regards.

Indoor positioning is a difficult problem. Among many possibilities (odometry, computer vision, overhead tracking cameras, etc.) there is a GPS-like solution that requires several fixed anchors that act similarly to GPS satellites, and a roving tag that provides +/- 10 cm positional accuracy.

Pozyx is a commercial supplier of such systems, or you can make your own as described here: https://github.com/jremington/UWB-Indoo … on_Arduino