Power Delivery Board - USB-C - using without uC


I’m trying to use the Power Delivery Board with STUSB4500 chip. I connected it to arduino and programmed required PDOs (finished with calling write()). When connected to arduino it works fine and negotiates highest priority PDO with the battery. When I try to remove arduino board and use the Power Delivery Board standalone it doesn’t work any more. I’m getting 0V on the VSNK. I checked VIN and there is 5V available. Any idea what I’m missing?

Best Regards,


Hmmm, that is interesting. Could you provide a photo of the battery you are using and the setup?

Have you tried working with a power delivery power supply source? Do you get the same issues?

I assume this is after you set MVM values and try running the power delivery board as standalone per the hook-up guide? https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/po … y-examples

I tried both battery and power supply. Results are the same. Both battery and power supply work nicely with imx8mm-evk board so I assume they’re good. I’m enclosing the pictures of both battery and power supply. I went through the guide you linked. As I wrote before it all works nicely as long as the power delivery board is connected to arduino with I2C. When I unplug, it doesn’t work any more. The MVM values seem to be saved to the STUSB4500 chip. When I plug it back to arduino I can read the values I set. I would expect at least 5V on the VSNK as this is the value in PD0 and it’s supported by both psu and battery.

Hmmmm. I think the power deliver board could be non functional. I apologize for the inconvenience there. I feel as if it should work based off of the data you have provided.

Fill out a return ticket and we can go from there: https://www.sparkfun.com/returns

This is unexpected. I was pretty sure I did something wrong. Anyway, I soldered some wires to the board already. I also didn’t purchase directly from you but from The PiHut in UK (https://thepihut.com/). Does the return form still apply in this case?

Best Regards,


Hmmm, I would go through PiHut for a return in this case. Just let them know you were working the SparkFun’s support and they should be able to help you assuming you fit their returns criteria.

Thanks John, much appreciated!