Power I2S audio breakout (MAX98357A) directly from LiPo

Hi everyone,

is it possible and advisible to power the I2S audio breakout board, i.e. the MAX98357A driver, directly from a LiPo battery?

Or should I add a LDO?


Thanks and best regards


Hi Felix.

As long as your battery never exceeds 5.5 volts, and you’re ok with the board possibly acting strangely when the battery discharges below 2.5 volts, a direct connection to a single cell lipo would be OK.

If you want stable operation with a varying voltage, something like our [Buck-Boost Converter will give a steady 3.3 or 5 volts to the board and that would be a better choice than a LDO voltage regulator.](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15208)