i bought a Olimex CS-E9302 but I couldn’t find in documentation or in other sources the polarity which the power supply should have. Should be the inner part of the plug-in the 5V pole or should it be ground? Can anyone help me?
i bought a Olimex CS-E9302 but I couldn’t find in documentation or in other sources the polarity which the power supply should have. Should be the inner part of the plug-in the 5V pole or should it be ground? Can anyone help me?
Well, the schematic is at
http://www.olimex.com/dev/images/ARM/CI … -B-sch.gif
and shows the power plug must be +5VDC regulated as I read it.
Thank you for the answer but says +5VDC something about the polarity of the power plug? Has the inner pin +5V and the outer ring is ground or is it the other way round?
The plug is center-positive.
Thank you
if you connect some peripherals like Ethernet cable or USB stick i would recommend to use higher value than +5DC. use sthg around 6. else it will keep rebooting.
anyway u will find it by yourself.