Pre-built "MCUBoot bootloader" as .hex, for nRF9160 Thing Plus

Is the original image loaded at the factory for the nRF9160 Thing Plus available somewhere as a .hex file compatible with the Nordic Semiconductor programming tools? I think I have overwritten the bootloader somewhere along the line and connot build the tooling (subject of separate thread). Thanks

I can see if our enginerring team can send it over…in the meantime, try going through this hookup guide … leshooting and attempt the bootloader steps…it looks like it uses the default MCU bootloader, but you need to push the mode and reset buttons and edit a cfg file to properly program/reset it :wink:

The original board image.hex file would be appreciated.

Since I am unable to install the tools per your instructions, I installed the generic nRFConnect SDK tooling, added in ```

[build.log|attachment](upload://q6epmWqJUDGvIvqPOT7jAv2b46W.log) (62.6 KB)

I found a bootloader v2 at … seems to work