Prebuy question: 32664, 30101 and 86161

Howdy Sparkfun Support,

I would like to do some experiments with Biosensors and would like to buy the Biosensor shield that has the 32664 and 30101 Maxim chipset. However, I would also like to experiment with the Max 86161. Is there a way to modify the board to accept the 86161?


Our board will not be compatible. The MAX32664 has propriety algorithms from Maxim and is designed to be used with the MAX30101. If you want further information, I would suggest reaching out to Maxim.

Thank you for the info.

I checked with Maxim and was told that the Max32664 comes in version A,B,C,D which contains different embedded software depending on the sensor. Version A is for the 30101 Version C is for the Max86161.