Pro Micro RP2040 Datasheet Typo? No GPIO23


I’m working on a project with my new Pro Micro RP2040’s and have run into an issue where the pin names on the datasheet do not appear to match what is coming up in software. I am using Circuitpython 6.2. … asheet.pdf

The datasheet shows the CO pin as GPIO23 however that flags an error when running the software. I have also run a dir(board) and gpio23 does not appear. The board shows access for GPIO pins 0-22 and 25. Judging by the datasheet, all the pins look correct except for 23. Pins 10-19 show available to the board but do not appear to be connected. Based on the orientation of the RP2040, I believe CO could be GPIO 18 or 19.

Does the sparkfun team have any comment or guidance on this?

CO definitely connects to GPIO23 and that’s pin number 35 on the RP2040 IC. There could be some issues on the software side of things that’s causing issues but the pin is connected to the right pad.

Looks like we don’t have CO and CI in the pins.c used for the board module. They should be added here: … pins.c#L13

We have the older MOSI and MISO names so that code will be compatible with other code that already use it. (We name them “microcontroller (in/out) sensor (in/out)” now. We decided that before the COPI/CIPO announcement too.)

Ok, I will give MOSI a try. Thanks.

No dice…

AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘MOSI’

Have you tried MicroPython? There may be some incompatibility with CircuitPython 6.2 that Adafruit still needs to work out.

I think we sorted out the issue was that the wrong CircuitPython build was being used. (The Pico build instead of the Pro Micro one.)