Sparkfun esp32 c3 pro micro. Pinout gpio

Helll i need the pinout of the gpio of the Esp C3 ProMicro de SparkFun. Where can i obtein? Thanks.

Just click on the things on the product page

I dont understand where are the pins of

Click the 2nd link.
poci/pico are new names for the same things, everything else is labeled directly

I need define in the scketch two pins/gpios:

#define RST_PIN 21
#define SS_PIN 5

i inted with this and with:

#define RST_PIN 8
#define SS_PIN 19

and not function.

I need define whats are these pins/gpios.
I don’t understand the schematic.

In order to help : What do you connect to the pro micro and how do you connect (which cable where) ?

I connect a RFID-RC522 to SparkFun ESP32C3 PRoMicro. I connect

Try this :

Connect the RC522 Slave Select (SDA) to pin 10: #define SS_PIN 10

RST is an INPUT for the ESP32 pro micro. Do NOT connect unless you want to reset the ESP32.
Connect the RST from the RC522 to pin 7 : #define RST_PIN 7

The rest looked ok.

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