Pro Micro RP2040 Flaking Edge Castellation

Just received my order of Pro Micro RP2040 boards, and on 2 of the 4 boards the edge castellation has strips of copper peeling away from it. I can’t tell if the copper is excess that wasn’t properly trimmed away, or if it has de-laminated off the edge itself. I wasn’t planning on using the edge castellation so this isn’t a major problem for me, but I think it’s still something that Sparkfun needs to be made aware of so they can address it. I would attach a photo but I unfortunately can’t get a good enough image as the scale involved here requires something like a microscope and I don’t have one available.

Greetings, thank you for the response.

I don’t think we have had any returns due to the issue you have mentioned here as far as electrical defects go. Could be cosmetic?.

If anyone has ran into any issues with pins being interfaced via the castellation edge holes, please let us know.

I can certainly look into this issue and see if there is something we can do to fix it. Also, should you want to send your parts back let me know.

I can certainly look into this issue and see if there is something we can do to fix it. Also, should you want to send your parts back let me know.

Thanks for the response. As I mentioned for me this is mostly a cosmetic issue as I’m not using the castellated edges, I just thought I should mention it in case there was a functional impact. I’m not planning on doing any returns, and although I’ve only tested one of the four boards so far, everything seems to be working just fine on that one.

I wasn’t sure if the small strips of copper peeling off the edges were excess plating left over from the castellation process that were supposed to be removed but weren’t, or if they were actually the conductive plating that’s normally applied to the edges, so it’s possible this is purely cosmetic even in the case that someone is using the castellated edges for electrical contact.

In either case it might be a good idea to have someone keep an eye on that stage of manufacturing and either fix it (by doing a better job of removing the excess if that’s what it is, or making sure it stays in place if it’s supposed to), or else maybe put a disclaimer up somewhere to make people aware that there could be some excess copper foil left over and that it’s purely a cosmetic issue.

Hey again.

Alright, thank you for confirming your points here. I will take your feedback to our production team and see if this is something we want to look into.

Thank you for your contributions to the issue, we appreciate it.