Pro Mini GPS Shield - TinyGPS++ error


Thanks for all the great products and examples!

I have used many without any issues.

My question is regarding the GPS-14030 Mini GPS Shield with microSD storage.

Using my just purchased ProMini328 and the before mentioned shield. I compiled and loaded the example code provided. … okup-guide

Everything compiles fine, but I am not reading any data.

To debug I switched over to the TinyGPS library and data is being read correctly with no GPS CRC errors.

I’m using the simple_test.ino provided.

The code being used is cut and pasted from the Sparkfun website provided.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance,


Hi Paul.

I see that there is 2 different sketches on the hook-up guide:

Mini_GPS_Shield_Serial_Example.ino - Simply displays serial data in a serial terminal window.

Mini_GPS_Shield_Data_Log_Example.ino - Logs serial data onto the SD card using built in Arduino libraries. I presume you are using this sketch.

It does look like the code was originally written in 2016 for Arduino Version 1.0+. It looks like Arduino versions 1.6.8 - 1.8.0 were released back in 2016. If you are using a newer version of the IDE there is a possibility that some things may have changed in the IDE causing old code to not function properly in newer IDE versions.

Have you tried reverting back to a previous IDE version & tried to see if the code works?