Problem with STHS34PF80 presence sensor


I am using an STHS34PF80 presence sensor in a small project, but I am having an issue where the values measured by the sensor keep increasing for some reason, and I cant seem to find what is causing it.
Basically I after setting up the sensor, the readings quickly rise to above 5000, which also seems to mess with motion detection, the more important feature I need for my project.
Anyone have any guesses at what could be causing this, maybe I’m forgetting something in my setup functions for the device?

Thanks for the help!

Please check if you are missing any point mentioned in the hookup guide: Introduction - Hookup Guide - SparkFun Human Presence and Motion Sensor - STHS34PF80
Check your code and circuit diagram. Also, check if your jumpers are good. If no problem is found, maybe you need a replacement. You can also try a simple PIR sensor instead. PIR Sensor Arduino Interfacing - The Engineering Projects

The temp readings are increasing?
Are you using it somewhere where it is warming up (outside, in sunlight, near other devices, etc)?

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