I purchased one of these
https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00 … UTF8&psc=1
And with in the IDE I have set it up as
Ardunio pro or pro mini
ATAmega328 (5v/16mhz)
and chosen COM 6
When i click upload of jsut the basic blink sketch, it compiles and then a steady light on the Ardunio turns on and both the FT232RL 3.3V 5.5V FTDI USB to TTL Serial Adapter and the Ardunio also blink another LED as though they are communicating.
after about 3-5 miniutes it fails with a message “error uploading”
Any thoughts about how i can get it to work?
Sorry I was looking for how to request this question is deleted.
I had found 2 pinout diagrams on line, one for the FTDI and one for the mini pro, and had wired it up to match.
After I posted the question I did some more searching and found another image of the FTDi with the pin out the other way. This was simply me wiring it back to frount, what threw me is that it powers up both ways. Not sure why as reversing it would suggest that the VVC from the FTDI is going in to the RX of the ardunio.
Any how turning over the FTDI and plugging it back in to the breadboard and all working perfectly.