Programming a stepper motor with Picaxe


I need some help for programming the stepper motor with PICAXE-28X2 SHIELD BASE, the driver that I’m using is STEPPER 4 CLICK … -2748.html

The motor does not work.

#picaxe 28x2
let b1 = 0 ; set b1 value
low B.2;
low B.5;
FOR b1 = 0 TO 1000
    high B.0 ; switch on output B.1
     pause 500 ; wait 0.5 seconds
     low B.0 ; switch on output B.1
     pause 500 ; wait 0.5 seconds
NEXT b1  
pause 1000; wait 1 seconds  
high B.5;
FOR b1 = 0 TO 1000
    high B.0 ; switch on output B.1
     pause 500 ; wait 0.5 seconds
     low B.0 ; switch on output B.1
     pause 500 ; wait 0.5 seconds
pause 1000; wait 1 seconds
goto main

I checked the electric circuit, everything is working right supposedly. However, I think the problem is in the programming, cause it’s my first time I’m using the Picaxe shield, and I couldn’t find programming examples that are compatible with PICAXE-28X2 for stepper motor control.

As shown in the attached image of the pinout digram of the driver, I used B.2 to connect to ENABLE, B.0 connected to STEP trigger (PWM) and B.5 to DIRECTION, and RST connected to the reset of picaxe shield so I’m wondering if this is the right way to program the outputs pins in PICAXE Programming.

Thank you in advance !