Programming an STM32 MicroMod board using STM32 CubeMX

I would like to start using some of the MicroMod boards with an STM32. My question is does a MicroMod board appear the same as (for example) an ST Nucleo board, meaning I can program and debug in a MicroMod environment using CubeMX?

Many thanks, RonK

After more reading I see the MicroMod ATP board provides for the 10-pin SWD connector. Can anyone confirm they have used this connector for program development using the ST Cube IDE?

Yes, the micromod works well with SWD programming. I have used an ATP board, and a Thingy board, with the stm micromods. I soldered on the 2x5 .05 connectors and program them with a j-link. I have also made a product board that uses the stm micromod and just soldered up a few protos before a small production run.

The stm405 micromod works well, though the pinout has oddities: usart1 on the 405 cannot be used, as the rx (and tx!) pins are both tied to 3.3v for some reason. The main micromod tx/rx serial pins are tied to the 405’s usart2, so you need to make that your main serial port with appropriate alt funcs… I2S master clocks are on pwm pins iirc. They could have brought out a lot more gpio pins but there are a lot of nc…

I can’t comment on cube or micropython or arduino, as I don’t use those - I just use st’s standard periph library with gcc and load with segger.