Im having issues with being able to automatically download to the IoT redboard. The only way I am able to is if i press the reset and program button which manually puts it into programming mode. Doesnt this board have onboard circuitry to do that automaticallly? I am using VScode with PIO
It does and the arduino IDE knows how to trigger it.
Sounds like the IDE you’re using doesn’t send a reset to the board at upload.
^Like he said; also:
Try using a different USB cable - sometimes cables that work fine for power/serial communication don’t reliably connect the DTR/RTS lines needed for auto-reset
Check your board’s upload_protocol in platformio.ini. For ESP32 boards, it should be:
upload_protocol = esptool
- Try explicitly setting the DTR/RTS control in platformio.ini:
upload_flags =
- Manually set upload speed to 115200 (also in the ini file)
upload_speed = 115200
I added everything here beside the upload speed as when I do upload I see that it changes to
Changing baud rate to 460800
im still unable to get it to get it to automatically go into programming mode. Below is my .ini file
platform = espressif32
board = sparkfun_esp32_iot_redboard
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = esptool
lib_deps =
board_build.filesystem = littlefs
upload_flags =
I’d guess it’s probably a setting in PlatformIO that needs to be set, then…or just push the button
I’m guessing you don’t have the right driver installed for the USB-UART chip on the board (CH340). I’ve experienced this behavior as well, and resolved it by updating the driver. It’s been a while since I’ve done that, and I recall that some versions of the driver don’t work properly. Try the one on our website, let us know if that works for you!