Im having issues with being able to automatically download to the IoT redboard. The only way I am able to is if i press the reset and program button which manually puts it into programming mode. Doesnt this board have onboard circuitry to do that automaticallly? I am using VScode with PIO
It does and the arduino IDE knows how to trigger it.
Sounds like the IDE you’re using doesn’t send a reset to the board at upload.
^Like he said; also:
Try using a different USB cable - sometimes cables that work fine for power/serial communication don’t reliably connect the DTR/RTS lines needed for auto-reset
Check your board’s upload_protocol in platformio.ini. For ESP32 boards, it should be:
upload_protocol = esptool
- Try explicitly setting the DTR/RTS control in platformio.ini:
upload_flags =
- Manually set upload speed to 115200 (also in the ini file)
upload_speed = 115200