I have two bigger cars and a packed garage. I’d like to build a set of breakbeam sensors that light up a stop sign if you hit them on either the sides of the garage, or the front.
I saw the TFMini-S - Micro LiDAR Module ( https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16977 ) and am wondering if it would fit the bill? I’m not too familiar with lidar, but my ‘requirements’ for this project would be:
Can detect range up to 10 meters (depth of the garage)
Has a narrow radius of beam (so it can act as a ‘trip wire’)
Doesn’t need a ‘reflector’ on the other side (our walls are so full of stuff the ‘reflector’ would have to be where the garage is open)
Works with arduino or raspberry pi
I think it covers most of the bases but I’m unsure of the ‘narrow radius of beam’ requirement. Does lidar ‘sense’ in a cone at all, or is it effectively a ray?