Prototype HARP


I hope I am posting in the right forum…

I got a HARP prototype as a gift and I have been playing with it for some time. I is really nice and and I am having a great time trying to solve the puzzles. However, I have been stuck for some time on a particular one and I am running out of ideas. I would like, if possible, a little hint…

I must find the revision code for the prototype firmware in order to download it from the SparkFun site. I unscrambled the image in the bios and I tried everything that is written on it (I also tried combining with the 4 letter code from the previous puzzle). I also thought there might be the password for the second 7Z file hidden somewhere in the image but did not find it. I even re-watched “The Goonies” (still a great movie-)) to check if there was something that could explain how to interpret the numbers/writtings on the image. I can see a wierd symbol below the (useless ?) serial number but I cannot figure out what it means. I also still have not found out how to make sense of the images and videos in the BRYE directory but I guess this is for later.

Can someone provide me with a little cue please ?


Nevermind, I found the solution (with some help) !

It was tricky… :slight_smile: