Guidance for Prototype HARP

Hi all, I’ve been enjoying the Prototype HARP game: Fantastic details, really cool theme.

I’m stuck, and would like help, but also don’t want to spoil anything for other players. Simply put: I’m unsure if I’m missing a PDF or information to get past a stage. I have a large number, have been analyzing it for a while, but cant get anything meaningful out of it yet.

I’ve gathered clues that relate to possibly modifying the board, but I don’t want to physically change anything unless I am certain. What does the community think / suggest?

Alright, I was able to figure out how to unblock myself from this challenge.


I’m now stuck where the chip is counting down, and also gave me access to some new files. I thought I followed the procedure correctly to mutate a file, but it has no effect. I’m unsure what to do next. Going to try and re-run through the file changes one more time. Any suggestions?

I’m now stuck on a broken link. The URL is:

With any password, correct or not, I see the following:

"This Password Gate Service is Disabled

This service has been disabled due to expiration. If you are the owner of this service, please log in to your Bravenet account and renew your Password Gate subscription."

Is it possible to get the file here? Specifically the one that was supposed to be reached here?

We had some issues on the back end of our server and are working to fix that. Go ahead and give it another try. :slight_smile:

Ah thank you very much Chris!

I can confirm the website seems to be working and, of course, I have the wrong password :slight_smile: It’s now showing me a “There is no record of this revision code.” message, which suggests to me I did the password wrong but website is solid.

I’ll keep trying to take a crack at the challenge. If it helps:


The revision code I’m trying is one I generated from a “reversible” procedure applied to a binary file.

Solved it all. What a fantastic puzzle. Took a few evenings, had some bumps in the road, but one of the best fun hardware challenges I’ve had.

Thank you a ton to the creators and to SparkFun!

I solved this puzzle a couple of years ago, gave it to a friend, and then he recently gave it back. I thought I’d give it another shot because I’ve forgotten pretty much everything!

If anyone is still out there with knowledge of the solve (or the firmware repo link, which I no longer have), I could really use a hint.

POSSIBLE SPOILER: I colored the below text white – highlight it to read

I am in the green phase. I decoded the message that used the cipher wheel. Neither “Boot RF” or “Engage recorder” menu entries work (they are offline), and I’ve tried detaching/attaching the jumper wire on the antenna traces (which just grounds a pin, fwiw) to try to get the RF Boot to work.

Anyone have a hint on the next step? I hope there’s not something up with the hardware.

We had some issues on the back end of our server and are working to fix that. Go ahead and give it another try. :slight_smile:

Hey Chris, on the off chance you see this, any hints?

By the way, now that some time has passed, people who have had this puzzle handed down to them have a hard time finding the confirmation email PDF – it would be good to have that linked on the product page, too.