PS/2 Keyboard on LPC2138

i want to connect a PS/2 keyboard to my LPC2138.

did somebody knows how it’s worked on LPC2138?

and how it’s configuration?

thx be4.

HI X-Ray,

unfortunately I can not remember the details and until I get home I won’t be able to lookup, but there was an articel in one of the autumn issues of Circuit Cellar magazin. It was an e-mail client based on an AVR micro and it used a PS/2 keyboard. If You visit You can find a link to the ftp and download the source code. I hope it helps.

As I remember it’s a simple serial communication. Probably the clock line generates an interrupt and the data line is captured then.

I’ll look for the details at the evening.

Best regards,

Blaise … sage/31301

the code I use are borrowed from mr. John Leung’s pic keyboard driver found on the code snippets forum.

the file I upload is compressed with , but winzip probably won’t complain when you use it to extract the file.