Pulsesensoramped_Processing_Visualizer Serial cannot be resolved to a type

I have imported the processing.core library and the pulsesensorampd_processing_visualizer java code into Eclipse but I get an eclipse error ‘Serial cannot be resolved to a type’. I appear to be missing the serial library but can’t seem to find it. Can someone help me get this running?

Hi Vern H,

Are you referring to [this code? If so, that is written to use the Pulse Sensor with an Arduino and the Arduino IDE, not Eclipse so you most likely need to modify it to work with Eclipse’s C/C++ IDE. I am afraid SparkFun Tech Support cannot assist with custom code. You may want to look at the Eclipse forums or their [Help Documentation to adapt that code for use with Eclipse.](Help - Eclipse Platform)](GitHub - WorldFamousElectronics/PulseSensor_Amped_Processing_Visualizer: Processing code for pulse wave visualization)