Python, GE863-GPS. Bad magic number

I comile .py with TelitPy1.5.2+_v4.1_prerelease_last and upload it to module but when i try to execute it module write

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "", line 9, in ?

    import myscript

ImportError: Bad magic number in myscript.pyo

How did you upload the files? .pyo/.pyc files are binary, and will be corrupted if treated as text.

How did you upload the files?

like .py -> ASCI mode using AT#WSCRIPT. hmmm, but file size the same.

And how upload .pyo to module?

After I installed the Telit Python tools two new options appeared under the file system when I right click on a .py or .pyo file: compile and download. I have had decent luck downloading files to my module using this option. About one out of 5 to 10 times I will get an error message and have to reboot the module before it will accept another download. This is much, much faster than downloading text files and relying on the module to compile them

After editing script in Lib its working with software flow,



I make a project called OBU, and I use the GM863-GPS platform.

I have connect my PC with the DSUB of the S3-Board. Now, I have a problem with the terminal program. I receive something in binary that I don’t know what that means. If somebody can help me to decode the code, I apreciate.

I just want the velocity and geographical coordinates.



I make a project called OBU, and I use the GM863-GPS platform.

I have connect my PC with the DSUB of the S3-Board. Now, I have a problem with the terminal program. I receive something in binary that I don’t know what that means. If somebody can help me to decode the code, I apreciate.

I just want the velocity and geographical coordinates.


what send and what receive