Question about backlight inductor


I have a question :

I looked at the nokia 6100 lcd board with number LCD-08600.

Is the current draw of the backlight led that high at 7Volts ?

I read numbers from other measurements of 70mA at 6Volts.

I noticed the inductor of 220uH has a rather small physical size.

The mc34063 is not really a fast switcher and i think that the core of the inductor can get magnetically saturated in some cases. I think if such a case would occur, the current consumption goes up (only limited by the current sense resistor)and efficiency is lost. Because the stepup converter should reach around 75 % efficiency easy. But at 3,3 Volts it seems, the switcher might stay in the on position to long and the inductor gets saturated.

Maybe i am wrong though…

Because i do not know the drawn current of the nokia 6100 backlight led at 7Volts.

In the comment section for the board and in the [forum post you can find some information regarding the inductor.


Thank you.

I read the comments.


I had expected that much.

That coil needs to be bigger.

For example : … dp/1635898

I am planning to use this ic : LT1317.

The IC is a bit more expensive, but the coil and the capacitor can be cheaper because it runs at 600kHz.

I think that inductor is too big for the current boards.

I plan to try either [this inductor or [this inductor.

Edit: Can someone tell me why my BBCode isn’t working?


Edit: Can someone tell me why my BBCode isn’t working?

BBCode apparently doesn’t like the “µ” in the link. If you change it to any normal alphanumeric character, the BBCode works.

http://www.µ.com Broken… Works…


I am building my own step up converter. I thought of using the LT1317. But i found a better one. It is cheaper and runs at 1MHz. I am going to order a few of these to play around with. CAT4238 or CAT4240. Because these step up converters run at very high frequencies, the L and C components can be smaller as well. … dp/1656118 … dp/1656135

I think the led drivers can be dimmed. I have to see if i can directly pwm the shutdown pin with a 300 Hz pwm or that i have to pwm the feedbackpin by adding a voltage through a resistor divider to make the CAT chip think that the led current is too high and it will shutdown as long as the FB pin is 0,3 Volt or higher. I think that is possible.

I found a supplier for the little DF-23 connectors for the lcd too.


Yep, i just finished the datasheet. The CAT4240 it willl be.

I am going to order 2 tomorrow.

I think that inductor is too big for the current boards.

I plan to try either [this inductor or [this inductor.

Edit: Can someone tell me why my BBCode isn’t working?

Stig[/quote] … id=1250105

That should work. If i am not mistaking, the inductor has to rated twice the current you want to pass through it when storing energy in the core.

Otherwise you will saturate it because of the curve. … age002.gif

If i am not mistaken, in these types of applications, only one quadrant is used. As such you have to rate the current at twice the value you want it to supply. With a little slack, that would be 150 mA for this coil. That should be more then enough though.](µh-20/dp/1515529)](µh-20/dp/1515502)

I just ordered the CAT 4240. I will have it monday to play with after work :).

For more information about coils for people who are interested :

Texas instruments always has wonderful information :

2 pdf files about inductors and transformers :