Question about different bluetooth modules.

Hey Guys,

I am an engineering student and have to do a wireless/rf project this quarter to earn my last elective credit :slight_smile:

For my project I have decided to interface a [Button Pad Controller SPI with a micro controller that controls a bunch of RGB LED’s. The idea is to have the buttonpad controller interfaced with a microcontroller, this microcontroller will create a random color for each button. Then when the user presses the button it will communicate via a bluetooth link to another microcontroller that controls the RGB led array… and the array will light up that selected color.

So: RGB buttonPad ---->>uC ------> Bluetooth module —>(wireless link)---->Bluetooth module —>uC ----> RGB leds

My question is, what bluetooth module that sparkfun sells would be best suited/easiest for this application? I am a total bluetooth noob and I am not sure what one would interface the best.

For the microcontroller i plan on using some parallax Bs2e stamps or a couple of arduino uc’s.

Thanks guys!](