question about pcb pads

for pads do both sides of the holes have solder rings, and are the rings connected? like if you were to solder in an IC socket, it would cover the solder pad from one side… so you would have to solder it from the backside, same with header pins etc… so im assuming its intended that your soldering from the back even though the connection traces from those pads can be on the top.

Greetings (no name supplied)

The question you pose is dependent of the board manufacture method in question.

If etched (at home ) a board does not have an electrical connection (through the hole). Small eyelets can be inserted to connect the solder rings from each side.

If manufactured by a service like BatchPCB, the hole will be “plated” through to provide electrical connections to both sides.

James L

ya i meant batchpcb sorry, thanks for the info :smiley:

i may have incorrectly stated as vias, but im referring to the pads i guess. same answer?

ya i meant batchpcb sorry, thanks for the info :smiley:

i may have incorrectly stated as vias, but im referring to the pads i guess. same answer?

Yes, via’s and through hole pads are treated the same, just different sizes.

James L