Question about xbee and arduino...

Hi my name is Theo and im starting a new project and i need a link between my pc and my arduino so to control it without wires ,i will order the xbee xplorer usb board

2 xbee modules and i want to use instead of the xbee shield an xbee explorer regulated board.So im asking the way to do it and a list with what else i will need.

I would be glad If someone from here know how to interface the xbee explorer regulated board and one xbee module with my arduino and how to get it work and communicate with the other module connected to my pc with the xbee xplorer usb board and ofcourse post this way in this topic.

Thanks for Reading… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yes, a few of us use XBee modules for exactly what you wish to do. I use the Sparkfun XBee regulated Explorer board on a small Robot for a wireless link to my PC (XBee USB board is on the PC side).

The easiest to use XBees are the Series 1 running 802.15.4 firmware (there are several XBee flavors that are not the same).

Just run them in AT command mode which is also known as Transparent mode. But first it is important to get the arduino communicating with the PC first, you will need an RS232 converter to connect the arduino to the PC with a cable. Because if this doesn’t work then the XBee will not work. Once the arduino to PC wired link works it is rather easy to then just replace the wire and RS232 converter with the XBees.

There are a number of web sites with good info on using the Series 1 XBees. This one is a good start:

Also DO READ the many threads in this forum as there is much info about these XBees as we have gotten them working.

Good luck and have fun.


Im asking because i want to use with it the xbee 900mhz module this one which is not xsc…

All of the XBees are very similar in operation and interfacing with a processor.

Check the threads in the Digi Forum for some info on the 900s here: