Xbee starting

I have an Arduino Uno, and want to start using Xbee for assorted things (Wireless bootloading, wireless communication, etc…).

What products should I get to start? I don’t need that great of a range, but I need one for it to communicate with my computer, and vice versa.

I need just the basics, really.

The Series 1 XBees running straight 802.15.4 protocol.

These are the easiest to use, least cost, very popular and will do what you need.

Okay, perfect, thanks - how should i connect it to my computer though? do I need to connect it to my computer, or does it not need one as well?

Get the USB Explorer board to connect the XBee to your PC’s USB port.

ok, and what dhould i use to connect it to the arduino?

That is a loaded question. One could use the Regulated Explorer board but many people have trouble with thie board as it needs to be modified to work. Others use the XBee shield.

Do search or look through these forums for threads about using the Arduino and XBees for discussions and solutions.

Great,thanks for your help