Question Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM 16mb of flash storage, how many cycles?


I got this product Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM

I want to play an mp3 from an SD card while recording sensor data, then when done save that sensor data to the SD.

I’m not sure if it’s possible to read and write to an SD at the same time, and I am playing around with freertos for running the tasks at the same time. My thinking right now is to play the MP3 off of the SD while saving the sensor data temporarily to flash, then when done transfer the data from flash to SD.

Is the 16MB of flash storage mentioned on the product page the internal flash on the ESP32? If so that would have very limited read/writes correct? I’m thinking of recording analog readings every 100ms. Or is this memory outside of the ESP32 module? Also has anyone experimented with adding more RAM to this product.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Edit: I guess a related question, does anyone have a recommended memory module I can use that has unlimited read/writes, I have been looking at Pseudo SRAM, something that can connect to ESP32

The 16MB is the internal ESP32 memory…as for how that affects your use-case, hopefully someone who has implemented a similar project will stop by and shed some light on this