Qwiic Alphanumeric Display - how to print numbers with "-" on first digit?

Hello, Im using QWICC alphanumeric display. I need to show on lcd values from range:
-100…-1 to 0.

I cant find information how to do it (combination numbers + char)

display.print(-100); - is not working properly

display.printChar(‘-’, 0);

also is not working. 9 is on same position as “-”.

Maybe someone have some idea? :slight_smile:

Im using arduino micro (32u4)

I would use

display.illuminateSegment('I', 0);

as shown in the Example_02_TurnOnOneSegment sketch in the Hookup Guide.

Though ‘-’ is in the library and should work. It’s on line 75 of the source.

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It didnt work.

display.illuminateSegment('-', 0);


I have used String and it works. But it takes a lot of memory:
stringOne - value between 10 & 99

String stringDisplay = ("-"+ stringOne);