Hi, I am connecting the Qwiic NAU7802 scale with an Arduino Nano. Previously I had used HX711 and in the code, I would explicitly state the Arduino pins that linked with SDA/SLK as below.
const int DOUT = 12; //SDA
const int CLK = 13; //SLK
Can someone please advise how I can do so with Qwiic NAU7802 as the example code does not indicate which Arduino pins get assigned for the SDA/SLK.
Also, I am assuming the SCL/SDA/V/GND connections are as shown below in the image. I’m not sure if this is correct:
Arduino Nano’s SDA and SCL are A4 and A5 pins. To rephrase my question, can I connect Qwiic NAU7802 scale to the Arduino Nano’s digital pins 12 and 13 since my A0-A7 pins are being used by motors. Thanks.
The HX711 uses a 2 wire protocol similar to but not the same as I2C where the NAU7802 is a I2C address. You will need to find the pins on your Arduino that are dedicated to I2C and use those. (There are multiple different Arduino Nano boards, not sure which one you have. )
It might be possible to use a software I2C library on another set of pins, but we haven’t tested our library with that. It’ probably going to be easier to move 2 motor pins if they occupy the two I2C pins on your board.
Also, the pin labels on your diagram are correct. If you have a Qwiic cable you can plug it into that connector, if you don’t the solder pads on the edge of the board connect to the same pins.
I moved my motors from A4, A5 and used them for the qwiic scale, it works fine now. After 3 HX711 failures (soldering connection problems), I am so relieved to have this plug and play option. All drivers should have a JPT option I say! Thanks so much for your feedback.