Qwiic shield for Arduino is for Uno only (Workaround)

Sparkfun probably have a zillion of these and want to move them on…

The product title should clearly say " SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino Uno"
But it is only mentioned once in the product overview.
(The mention of including R3 headers gives the impression it is compatible with R3 Arduino’s)
(Common sense would link to the labeled shield SCL/SDA and let the user cut A4/A5 if needed)

Nonetheless, If you got one assuming it would work on a Mega, Duo or Leonardo etc
You can bodge wire the Qwiic shield to work on these Arduino’s.
(An unfortunate way to turn an elegant solution into a bodge wire solution)

I’d also recommend cutting tracks to A4 & A5 allowing these pins to be used
for standard IO on the previously mentioned Arduino’s.

I would not attempt to connect the bodge wire to the resistors, As they would
probably become detached from the pcb if you try.

Instead attach the bodge wire to the top of the BSS138 as shown here.
And use something to secure the wires in place. Eg Clear nail polish or glue.

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Maybe they will come up with another version compatible with all the basic arduino boards.