Qwiic USB Hub USB2514B not not shutting off power to ports

When programming the USB2514B PRTPWR pins, I noticed the 3.3V gate signal to the MOSFETS Q1-Q4 toggling as expected. However, the intent to turn off the P-CH MOSFET did not work (MOSFET is always on). I believe a 3.3V gate signal from the USB2514B is not sufficient to turn off these particular P-CH MOSFETs. In fact, using a 3.3V chip to drive the gate of P-CH MOSFET for a 5V high-side switch is really a schematic error and must be revised. The Microchip reference design for this board uses a 3.3V to 5.0V voltage translator chip that properly drives the P-CH MOSFET gate signal – this board is missing that, so this product design is defective because it cannot control PRTPWR to each of the USB-A connectors.

Thanks for the heads-up! The issues page https://github.com/sparkfunX/Qwiic_USB_ … 14B/issues for that product doesn’t have that one mentioned; feel free to add it and have a chance to participate help improve the design

Yes, I will add to Github. And, thank you Sparkfun for all the great products you make and the valuable customer support, too. Cheers. Will