Raw Materials for Backlight Kits

You all should stock the materials so we can order backlight kits. We specifiy width and lenght, and you all supply the plastic, the polorizers, the EL wire required, and the power supply, etc.

I can’t find anything that is suitable… or I am just looking in a the wrong spots!

This is the display I want to backlight… they quit making backlights a long time ago for it. http://www.pjrc.com/store/mp3_display.html



EL Film sheets that we could cut to fit would be great, along with the power supply needed to power them!!

EL Film sheets that we could cut to fit would be great, along with the power supply needed to power them!!

Good call on the EL panels also.

Wow, I figured there would be lots of people chomping at the bit for something like this.

I have a 17" LCD monitor here with an EL backlight that’s dead. Since it’s a manufactured consumer product, I was completely unable to find a suitable replacement or fix for it. Something like this might be just what I need.

that would be really cool

Well I doubt anything will come of this because there have been 119 views and only 3 votes.

Sad… only 3 votes.

New product suggestion… a Tomb of The Unregistered Voter. :wink: :smiley: