Thanks again. Yes, the sensors are working perfectly within range, however I was having a problem which I just sorted out, which made me think maybe I should have provided more information with my first question.
Perhaps it was assumed that my RAW power source was more than 3.3V. It was, however, two 1.5V AA cells. So everything seemed to work fine at first. I had all my sensors connected and worked through few small revisions of my code, after which I disconnected my AA battery pack and unplugged everything, which is normally what I do to save batteries as I write the next section of code for the project.
After a few minutes, one of the AA batteries suddenly “popped” and leaked fluid all over the battery holder. It was just sitting there not connected to anything. Since nothing was connected at that point I had nothing to suspect other than maybe a defective cell. I cleaned things up, put two new batteries in and went about my business until essentially the same scenario happened again. I was at a break in testing, the batteries were unplugged, and the “pop” and another mess to clean up.
This forced me to take another look at the Pro Micro schematic and at my breadboarding, all the while still keeping in mind that functionally the whole project was still working flawlessly. I then noticed that the USB power is not connected to the same VCC as everything else, it is labeled as UVCC.
There is a diode on the input of the regulator that appears to be intended to protect the USB from being backfed too high a voltage if a higher voltage is connected to RAW. What it does not do is keep a greater voltage on the USB from feeding through to a lower RAW voltage source.
So whenever I had my two new AA batteries plugged into RAW and I plugged the USB into my computer to program, I was essentially trying to charge my 3V AA battery pack with the 4.59 some-odd volts my laptop’s USB connection is putting out. I don’t know why the batteries in both instances waited until after they were disconnected to “cook off”, but I suspect that it would have happened eventually had I left them connected.
Even though I was hopping for the simplest solution, I now suspect that I cannot run a AA source on this project at the same time I am programming it, unless maybe I find a place on the board where I can open the UVCC connection. I know I can run regulated power to VCC on the board, or run a higher source voltage to RAW. I designed my project to run on two AA cells, which I suppose is below the 3.3V called for anyway. It all works fine, but I think maybe a four-cell battery pack is in order.
[EDIT]…and after studying the schematic a bit more, it seems that one more properly oriented diode at the RAW pin would have provided simple protection from this sort of thing, allowing for voltage to flow from RAW into the regulator, while blocking current from flowing back to the external RAW connection from UVCC. Of course, the voltage drop involved would just end up necessitating a greater than 3V battery pack anyway, but it would still be good protection against UVCC trying to “charge” a dying 4.5V or 6V battery pack.