Raw PPG readings from MAX30101 & MAX32664 Pulse Oximeter


I am trying to get the raw PPG readings from the pulse oximeter. Using the code provided from the Github (Example 4), I get some arbitrary values from the body.redLed and body.irLed. I am not sure what these values are based off, in the serial plotter they do not seem to represent an expected PPG waveform. I assume that the body.heartRate is using the green LED?

I was looking through the sparkfun library (SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub_Library.h) but I am not too versed on navigating it. If I could get some assistance in getting the raw readings and bypassing the on board algorithms that would be greatly appreciated.

Another question, in relation to the sampling rate, it says that it can go up to 1000 samples per seconds after reducing the light widths. If I can access the raw data points can I still potentially output the full 1000 points per second in the serial monitor?

Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately, the library is written in partnership with Maxim whom have their own proprietary algorithms on the MAX32664 to do most of the heavy lifting. If you want to experiment with the MAX32664 on the sidelines, then I would suggest using the following product:


Thank you for your response. Could I confirm what the values outputted by the body.redLed and body.irLed represent? These are not raw readings from the sensor?

These values are piped out to the user as just raw values, but they are also used by the MAX32664 with it’s proprietary algorithms.