RCA Jack Eagle Part

I’ve searched the forums and SparkFun Eagle Library, but I can’t find an Eagle part for the [RCA Jack. Does anyone have this part built for Eagle? Can BatchPCB even cut out those slots?

(I’m new to this. Thank you for your patience.)](RCA Jack - PRT-08631 - SparkFun Electronics)

Why not design your own from the data sheet? It’ll only take a few minutes. You could use round holes instead of slots, they’d work just as well for a prototype.



Thanks, I was just working on that. This would be the first part I’ve built. I was thinking of having it drill several holes to make a slot. Are you suggesting just one large hole for each slot?

Yes. It’ll fill with solder which will hold the tabs securely.

Some PCB manufacturers don’t like multiple holes for slots because they can break their drills.


Greetings (No First Name Supplied),

Can BatchPCB even cut out those slots?

Yes, see [[this thread](http://tinyurl.com/5vnust), or [[this one](http://tinyurl.com/5vdb2k).

Comments Welcome!](USB host connector: routes for tabs? - SparkFun Electronics Forum)](Slotted Pads - SparkFun Electronics Forum)